A new episode of Library Update is up on YouTube. This is part one of Episode 24, Accessibility Apps. Make sure to catch parts 2 and 3 of the episode as well.
West Virginia Library Commission is committed to promoting, assisting,
and supporting high quality library services and information resources
to all West Virginia residents. This includes getting relevant
information out to library directors, their staff, and patrons through
various formats. Currently the Library Commission uses its website,
Facebook, Twitter, Blog, e-bulletins and now YouTube to disseminate
plans on bringing you current programs, topics, and trends. This broad
spectrum includes partnerships, training, programming, and service. We
want this program to be a useful, entertaining resource for you. If you
ever have any questions or comments regarding topics on this show,
please do not hesitate to call us at 1-800-642-9021.
program is not intended to act as a calendar of events, but as a
vehicle of ideology and practical tips. Specific event information can
always be found on our website www.librarycommission.wv.gov and at your local libraries.
video in this post is the first segment of the episode. Check it
out, then view parts 2 and 3. Make sure you subscribe to the West
Virginia Library Commission YouTube channel so you don't miss the newest