
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Arrh! It's Talk like a Pirate Day!

Avast me'mateys!  Want to learn more about the inspiration behind Jack Sparrow.  Arrh, well check out these titles from the Library Commission.

Life Among the Pirates by Stuart Kallen
Discusses facts and myths about pirates who sailed and plundered on the seas from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century.

When Barbary pirates captured an obscure Yankee sailing brig off the coast of North Africa in 1812, enslaving eleven American sailors, President James Madison first tried to settle the issue through diplomacy. But when these efforts failed, he sent the largest American naval force ever gathered to that time, led by the heroic Commodore Stephen Decatur, to end Barbary terror once and for all. 

Of all the colorful cutthroats who scoured the seas in search of plunder during the Golden Age of Piracy in the early eighteenth century, none was more ferocious or notorious than Blackbeard. As unforgettable as his savage career was, much of Blackbeard's life has been shrouded in mystery--until now.

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