
Friday, December 7, 2012

WV Reads 150

West Virginia Librarians, Supporters, Book Sellers and Others:

We are very proud to announce the launch of West Virginia Reads 150, a reading challenge that celebrates West Virginia’s 150th birthday in 2013. This program is being sponsored jointly by the West Virginia Center for the Book at the West Virginia Library Commission and the Kanawha County Public Library. Additional support comes from the West Virginia Humanities Council and the U.S. Institute for Museum and Library Services.

The year-long reading initiative encourages West Virginians to read 150 books in any format (printed book, e-book, audiobook, downloadable text, etc.) from any source, during the course of 2013, West Virginia’s sesquicentennial year. Books can be on any topic, fiction or non-fiction; they must be read between January 1 and December 31, 2013.

People can read 150 books individually, or create teams to read 150 books collectively. Libraries across West Virginia are encouraged to form teams to compete. Teams, which can have up to 15 members, must choose a name and select a leader to keep track of the books read by team members.

All ages and groups can participate – friends, coworkers, book clubs, classmates, seniors, etc. If children are too young to read on their own, kids can have their parents read to them. Families can use their Summer Reading Program reading toward their West Virginia Reads 150 tally.

WVLC, with the support of KCPL will provide libraries with West Virginia Reads 150 artwork, templates, window clings, reader’s advisories, a Good Reads web site, social media support and program ideas. Libraries are free to customize West Virginia Reads 150 for their own needs and/or develop their own programs and initiatives. Prizes, certificates, etc. will be up to participating libraries and sponsoring organizations.

The program is not limited to public libraries – bookstores, school and academic libraries, literacy organizations, youth services providers and more are encouraged to participate in West Virginia Reads 150.

For complete details about the program, guides, and other information, please visit the program website. If your library, school, bookstore, or agency decides to join us in WV Reads 150, please let us know and provide us with contact information so that we can include your information in the program website and in program mailings. Please also let us know of your West Virginia Reads 150 programs and activities so that we can help publicize them as “sanctioned” events.